Ride · 3 Mar , 2022 · Rich Jacques

Spring Time – 8:30 Club Runs

Over the winter months, we start our Sunday Club runs at 9:00am.  But it’s March now, so reminder that rides start at 8:30!

You can find instructions and links to sign-up on each of the ride pages (links in the menu above) – but if you need them, here they are again:

Step 1: Fill out the sign-up form.

Step 2: Check the group sheet to see who you are riding with, grab your route files

Step 3: Turn up and have a nice ride!

Fill out the SIGN-UP FORM

It’s always the same link to the sign-up form, so you can add https://bit.ly/bcc-rides-form to your bookmarks if you choose. You can sign-up from THURSDAY onwards each week.

You may have to WAIT 5 MINUTES before your name appears on the group sheets. You cannot edit these forms, you must fill out the form to add yourself and let someone know if you can’t make it (or made a mistake). The Saturday groups sheet shows both the Paceline and Saturday Social rides. We also have an extra ‘Events’ group, for special occasions.

Check the SATURDAY groups/routes

Check the SUNDAY groups/routes

Check the EVENTS groups/routes

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